Bodyflex is a weight loss system that has helped many women find the figure of their dreams without intense training in the gym. Gymnastics allows you to get rid of excess volume in a certain part of the body, learn to breathe correctly and speed up metabolism. In this material, we will talk about the most important features of the miracle gymnastics of an American housewife who regained her beautiful figure after giving birth, and we will analyze exercises for beginners aimed at losing weight on the abdomen, sides, hips and other problems. areas.
Bodyflex combines elements of yoga, pilates and stretching. The system was created by American housewife Greer Childers, who for a long time unsuccessfully fought with excess weight through aerobics, fitness and exhausting diets. According to the author of the technique, only a trip to an esoteric guru and learning oriental breathing exercises helped him get his figure in order without strict dietary restrictions and constant work in the gym.
After achieving the desired result, Childers created her own fitness line for busy housewives, simplifying yoga asanas and making exercise routines easier. Over time, bodyflex has been constantly changing. At first, the author offered training plans of different effectiveness to those interested with the help of his personal invention, "jimbara", which is an extension of static training. After that, bodyflex was simplified to 12 static exercises.
Bodyflex became popular in our country after it was popularized by a fitness instructor. The trainer recommends doing breathing exercises daily, combined with proper nutrition and other physical activity, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the exercises.
Basic principles
The basic principle of gymnastics is proper breathing during exercise. During exercise, the trainee must periodically hold his breath, using a small amount of lungs that are not constantly used, which causes a lack of oxygen in the tense muscles. As a result of the triggered oxygen breathing, oxygen is delivered to problem areas of the body where the main work is going on and activates the fat burning process. This function of training not only allows you to break down fats, but also speeds up your metabolism.
Bodyflex offers a fairly simple workout that does not require additional physical training, going to the gym or constant muscle work. In addition to active fat burning, gymnastics:
- Improves blood circulation, normalizes the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
- Increases immunity;
- It helps to overcome stress, apathy, normalize sleep and develop stress resistance;
- It does not tighten the muscles;
- Improves joint mobility;
- Saturates the brain with oxygen, normalizes cerebral circulation, which helps to get rid of headaches and migraines;
- Activates the removal of waste products and toxins through heavy sweating;
- The diaphragm strengthens the abdominal muscles through breathing;
- Improves mood, gives energy and momentum.
Bodyflex teaches you to breathe correctly and makes you love sports, so gymnastics is suitable for people with low physical fitness and obesity.
Bodyflex cannot be practiced if:
- Cardiovascular diseases;
- Eye diseases (glaucoma, myopia with astigmatism);
- Tuberculosis, asthma;
- Hypertension and hypotension;
- Increased intracranial pressure;
- Changes in blood pressure;
- Acute inflammatory processes;
- oncological diseases;
- Epilepsy;
- Aortic aneurysm;
- Heart failure;
- Varicose veins;
- Diabetes mellitus;
- Disorders of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract.
In addition, you should not do gymnastics during pregnancy, menstruation, ARVI and flu, or exacerbation of chronic diseases. In any case, consult your doctor before starting classes.
Characteristics of gymnastics
Bodyflex is a special fitness area with many functions:
- Training should be done 2-2. 5 hours after a meal. Bodyflex exercises performed immediately after meals can cause upset stomach and the development of gastrointestinal diseases.
- Before class, you need to ventilate the room.
- Daily exercises and breathing exercises must be done, otherwise the training will not give results.
- Active breathing can cause dizziness and, in extreme cases, fainting. These symptoms are often observed in beginners, so training should be done with caution and ideally with a trainer.
- Long delayed abdominal breathing can cause hyperventilation or hypoxia, which can have unpleasant consequences.
It is important to note that bodyflex is effective for overweight people. Moreover, exercise should become a way of life even after losing weight, as a sudden decrease in exercise can cause the weight to return.
Breathing technique for losing weight at home
Abdominal breathing is the basis of bodyflex. The implementation of a special technique is aimed at connecting the diaphragm muscle with work, which improves blood circulation and saturates the blood with red blood cells that deliver oxygen to the cells of the body. At the same time, this type of breathing affects the abdominal muscles, so the main results will be noticeable in the waist and only over time in other parts of the body.
The abdominal breathing technique consists of five main stages:
- Freeing the lungs.You need to press your lips tightly with a tube and exhale all the air in your lungs. It is also important to pay attention to the abdominal muscles: they should be tense, and the stomach should be pulled in.
- Saturation of tissues with oxygen. Pucker your lips tightly and take a deep breath through your nose using your diaphragm muscles.
- "Vacuum". After inhaling, immediately exhale sharply through the mouth, saying "groin" or "ha". When exhaling, the stomach should be pressed against the spine.
- breathless.At this moment, you need to hold your breath for 8-10 seconds, tensing your abdominal muscles as much as possible and pressing your stomach to your ribs. In this phase, basic exercises are performed and active fat burning begins.
- Relaxation.Exhale slowly, relaxing the previously affected muscles.
The basic rules of breathing: exhale through the mouth, inhale through the nose. In addition to mastering the technique, one must learn to control the muscles of the diaphragm and abdomen.
A set of exercises for beginners for all parts of the body
The standard set of bodyflex exercises for beginners is aimed at working all muscle groups, including the muscles of the face and neck.
Exercise 1: "Lion"
It helps to get rid of the double chin and smooths out wrinkles.
- Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart. Move your pelvis back, bend your legs at the knees, place your palms on your hips, place your palms above your knees, round your back.
- Do a breathing technique.
- During the lag phase, stick your tongue forward and look at the ceiling. Stay in this position.
- After completing the section, exhale and relax the facial muscles.
Exercise 2: "Diamond"
Strengthens the muscles of the arms and chest.
- Stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your arms at the elbows and raise them to chest level. Close your fingers to make a diamond shape.
- Do a breathing technique.
- In the delay phase, squeeze your fingers as much as possible, tensing the muscles of the arm and chest.
- Stay in this position for as long as necessary.
- Exhalation, inhalation and relaxation.
Exercise 3: "boat"
It strengthens and stretches the inner thigh muscles and works the back muscles.
- Sit on the floor and spread your straight legs out to the side as far as possible. The socks are pointing up. Place your palms between your legs.
- Do a breathing technique.
- During the lag phase, lean your body forward, extending your torso and arms in front of you as far as possible. Stay at the lowest point.
- Exhale and repeat the exercise.
Exercise 4: "Dog"
It removes the pants and improves the mobility of the hip joints.
- Get on all fours.
- Do a breathing technique.
- During the delay, raise the bent leg to the side, slightly lower the leg and turn the knee up.
- Stay in this position until you exhale.
- While inhaling, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other leg. Do three repetitions on each side.
Exercise 5: "Swallow"
It works the gluteal muscles.
- Get on all fours, focusing on your elbows.
- Round your back slightly and perform the breathing technique.
- Holding your breath, pull your straight leg back, pull your toe towards you. Fix it in this position.
- While inhaling, return to the starting position and repeat the exercise on the other leg. Do three repetitions on each side.
Exercise 6. "Corner"
It helps to strengthen the muscles of the lower leg and the back of the thigh.
- Lie on your back. Place your feet on the floor and place your arms along your body. Do a breathing technique.
- While holding, raise your straight leg, squeeze your shins or thighs with your hands. Point your socks toward you, pressing your tailbone and back to the floor.
- Hold the position as long as possible.
- Exhale and lower your legs to the floor as you inhale. Repeat the exercise 3 times.
In the classic bodyflex complex, the main focus is on working the abdominal muscles, thanks to constant muscle tension, while holding your breath and performing exercises. With regular exercise, you can create a beautiful waist shape, get rid of excess volume in this area and develop deep abdominal muscles.
For the stomach and sides
Exercise 1: "Side Stretch"
- Stand straight with your feet hip-width apart.
- Do a breathing technique.
- Holding your breath, raise your right arm and tilt your torso to the left. Make sure your pelvis doesn't move to the right. The hand extends diagonally. The left hand can be placed on the thigh or stomach.
- At the end of the stretch, relax and lower your hands. Inhale and repeat the exercise on the other side.
Exercise 2: "Simple pressure"
- Lie on your back. Place your feet on the floor, feet 30-35 cm apart.
- Do a breathing technique.
- During the delay, lift your upper body off the floor, keeping your arms parallel to the floor, palms down. The head is straight, the chin is not pressed to the chest. The gaze is directed forward. The lower back does not come off the floor.
- As you exhale, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise while inhaling.
Exercise 3. "Pretzel"
- Sit on the mat, straighten your legs in front of you and bring your feet together.
- Do a breathing technique.
- In the lag phase, bend your right leg at the knee and place it on the floor on the outside of your left thigh.
- Place your right hand behind your back and grab your right thigh with your left hand and pull it towards your body.
- Turn right and look back.
- Return to the starting position, exhale and repeat on the other side.
Exercise 4. "Scissors" is horizontal
- Lie on your back, bend your legs. Place your hands under your buttocks and press your lower back into the floor.
- Do a breathing technique.
- Lift your legs straight up, pull your toes back, and perform a transverse swing, crossing one leg over the other.
- After the time is up, return to the starting position and inhale.
Exercise 5: Vertical "scissors"
- Remaining in the same starting position as in the previous exercise, perform the breathing technique.
- Holding your breath, raise your leg, pull your toes back, and alternately raise and lower your leg through a minimal range of motion.
- Return to the starting position and inhale.
Exercise 6: "Rinse"
- Get on all fours.
- Do a breathing technique, hold your breath without pulling in your stomach.
- While holding your breath, relax your stomach and pull it towards your back with your muscles. Alternating movements throughout the delay period.
- Then return to the starting position.
Efficiency and results
There is much debate about the effectiveness of bodyflex. Some argue that the technique is useless and can only harm the body, while others, referring to their weight loss experience, guarantee good results.
Regardless of the type of exercise, the calorie deficit has a prominent role in weight loss, which can only be achieved with proper, balanced nutrition. Therefore, in order to get rid of extra pounds, you should give up junk food, reduce the portion of fatty, starchy and sweet foods, increase the consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits, cereals and give preference to lean meat and fish.
It is worth noting that the goal of bodyflex is to get rid of excess amounts, not kilograms, so at the initial stage you need to record body parameters and track changes after each workout. According to the followers of the technique, with the correct implementation of the technique, constant training and proper nutrition, the waist can be reduced by 5-7 cm in a week. It is important to understand that with proper weight loss without the extra pounds returning, the result cannot be achieved immediately. Complex and long-term work is required.
Expert recommendations
Experts recommend taking the first lessons with a trainer who will show you how to breathe and do the exercises correctly. This helps to avoid the unpleasant consequences that beginners most often encounter: misunderstanding of the diaphragm muscles, dizziness due to prolonged breath holding, etc. Since breathing is the most important thing, it should be worked on first, including daily complex 3-5 exercises to work on the problem area. In the future, as your experience increases, you can make your training more varied by working on several muscle groups at the same time.
Experts also note that bodyflex is not a universal way to lose weight for everyone, as the creator of the technique claims. Gymnastics is not suitable for everyone, so if you notice a deterioration in your health or the lack of the desired result, you should replace bodyflex with a popular analogue, the effectiveness of which is guaranteed. It can be Pilates, callanetics, power yoga, dance and classical fitness with cardio and strength exercises.
The results of the training are particularly influenced by the regularity of the training. You should exercise daily, spend 15-20 minutes in the morning before breakfast. If you have time, you can train 2 times a day and do the breathing technique in your free time, stretching your abdominal muscles.